Animals for Exhibition Licence No. 22/01230/AWACT

COVID 19 Policy
Updated 1st April 2022
This is a live dynamic document and is regularly updated.
Throughout the pandemic we've put the safety of you, your children and our staff first.
Our team regularly reviews local and National information to keep up to date on the latest COVID advice for childcare providers.
As of 1st April, COVID should be treated as other respiratory infections, with children staying home if they feel unwell or have a temperature until they feel well enough to return. People who have confirmed cases in their household are able to attend.
Children and staff who are confirmed positive for COVID are asked not to attend for a minimum of 3 days (5 for adults) from the date confirmed. Routine asymptomatic testing is no longer required for adults or children and testing is not recommended for children unless advised by a health professional.
As cases are still high in communities, we will have the following control practices in place this spring including a contingency plan should it be advised by local health authorities, in line with the current government guidance.
As we move to Control COVID we will be following the 4'c systems.
We will constantly review the situation and for your peace of mind we will continue to offer full refunds or credit notes should we have to cease operating at anytime.
The 4 C's
- Cleaning
We will continue to regularly clean all surfaces and high touch and traffic areas more regularly throughout the day. We will continue to promote regular hand washing for staff and children.
- Circulation
Keep doors and windows open as much as possible to ventilate indoor spaces. Minimise indoor activities and, weather permitting, as we always do spend lots of time outdoors.
- Catch it, Kill it, Bin it
We will continue to encourage good respiratory hygiene and to display helpful reminder posters.
- Contingency Plan!
If required to by the local authority we are ready to implement a contingency plan.
Will there be changes to group sizes?
We are continuing to operate at slightly lower numbers than pre covid 19 to avoid crowding areas as much as possible.
What if my child developed covid 19 symptoms while at club?
If a child develops COVID symptoms at camp they will be taken to a dedicated isolation area and their parent/s will be immediately informed. The child will remain in the isolation area until their parent or guardian are able to collect them.
Once the child has left camp all areas where they've been and resources they've touched will be fully cleaned and disinfected.
What happens if my child can not attend due to Covid 19 or if the club is cancelled due to Covid 19?
We will continue to offer a full refund for any clubs cancelled due to setting closure. If your child is unwell and can not attend we require 24 hours notice to issue a full refund.