Animals for Exhibition Licence No. 22/01230/AWACT

Our Mission

... my children absolutaly love
their days at Manor Farm ...

Testimonials >

Monday 5th, Tuesday 6th, Wednesday 7th and Thursday 8th August are now Fully Booked. Sorry. We do still have very limited spaces for the Friday in week 5



Fully Booked

Fully Booked

Fully Booked

This week we will celebrate water from ponds and streams to troughs and sprinklers. If your children own waterproof over layers please pack them and if it's warm enough swimwear might be good too!
We will take our tractor trailer trip to spot how many troughs we can see providing water for cows, horses, sheep, goats and more. Then we will look to see what wildlife relies on the pond and streams for water to drink and even live in. When we get back to HQ we will see if we an find a very muddy tractor and roll our sleeves up to scrub it clean with soapy water and a jet spray.
We will go pond dipping to find all sorts of different creatures to observe and sketch. Later we will create water art work using marbling on paper and batik on fabric.
Wednesday will be a day for getting wet, with apple bobbing team obstacle courses testing our balance while walking along a horse pole carrying a jug of water and maybe even a sprinkler if the weather is warm. There will be towels and prizes for everyone!
We will wash and groom some animals including Tornado the pony. Later on we will see how horses have to be trained to be brave to jump over or walk through water with a pony riding and jumping display before we enjoy a more sedate ride around the paddock.
There will be a chance to test your throwing skills when we build team dens and
cool off with a giant water bomb battle before our Friday bonfire where we might string up a washing line to dry wet clothes!