Animals for Exhibition Licence No. 22/01230/AWACT

Our Mission

... my children absolutaly love their days at Manor Farm ...

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We now have just a limited number of spaces for week 3 and Monday 22nd, Tuesday 23rd, Wednesday 24th are now fully booked.






This week we will celebrate all the food that is produced on British farms. Each day we will prepare something tasty to eat and visit the animals and land to learn what comes from where!
We will hop on board the tractor for a tour of the fields to see what is growing where. We will also hop off and forage for wild garlic and herbs to take back to base camp and make a healthy snack. We will also learn what wild plants the animals enjoy and make some unusual salad for a goat.
We will go on a nature ramble to find the best hedgerows to harvest berries to make some of our much loved Manor Farm jam. Everyone can make a jar of jam to take home and enjoy on toast. We will also record our findings on a map so that we know exactly which hedges to visit next time.
Wednesday will be a day to visit Daisy and Buttercup the dairy goats, Ella and George our pet sheep and see the dairy cows in the field. We will sample all the different types of milk and choose our favorite to make yummy ice cream. After lunch everyone can enjoy sitting out hopefully in the sun and licking an ice cream cone.
Today we will collect eggs from the hens and carrots from the vegetable patch to get busy making yummy carrot cakes. We will visit the rabbits for inspiration to make icing characters to go on our cakes. But we won't feed carrot the the bunnies because it actually isn't very good for them. We will mix our leftover carrot peel with some chaff to make a delicious treat for the ponies before we hope on for a quick ride.
We will build our end of week farewell bonfire and get thinking to design, make and trial a range of containers too cook over the fire. From tins with handles attached for beans to a three pronged marshmallow toaster we will give it all a go.